To learn all about WMS, we invite you to explore our website. Our About and Programs tabs are a great place to start!
Philosophy of WMS
The purpose of our school is to facilitate all aspects of growth: mental, physical, social, emotional and spiritual, by allowing children to exercise their natural curiosity, and to follow their interests within a varied and stimulating environment, in an atmosphere of love and respect, under the guidance of skilled teachers, to inspire a passion for excellence and a lifelong love of learning. At all levels, the development of strong personal values and respect for others are major goals. Children are encouraged to become attuned to their feelings and adept at expressing them. In this type of environment, they are free to become individuals who can live their lives with confidence, respect, responsibility, and in harmony with others.
We operate according to the educational guidelines prescribed by Dr. Maria Montessori. From her physiological studies and observations of children, she provided us with scientifically designed learning materials and a unique method of education which we feel most appropriately fit the varied learning needs of young people. Contemporary research in brain development and learning theory has affirmed that her observations were extraordinarily accurate. In areas where research or cultural mandate have given us compelling reason to expand or update what Maria Montessori left in place, we have done so after careful evaluation and discussion.
Responsibilities of the School
- To provide an environment that is clean, safe and attractive.
- To maintain the standards and licensing required by state, county and city agencies, and the standards set by the American Montessori Society and the Northwest Association of Independent Schools.
- To provide a program that is stimulating, developmentally appropriate and the best use of the school’s resources.
- To provide teachers who are exceptional in guiding, observing and caring for children and in the excellence of their professional skills.
- To remain committed to professional growth of our staff, and openness to new ideas and research.
- To provide opportunities for parent-school partnerships and participation in activities of the larger community.
- To communicate regularly with parents so that they are fully informed about all issues affecting them or their child.
Responsibilities of the Parents
- To fulfill financial and legal obligations to the school promptly.
- To support both the child and the school by being well informed. This is achieved by:
- Attending parent meetings and conferences.
- Keeping informed about goals and policies of school.
- Volunteering at least twenty hours of time to help each year.
- To ensure the continuation of the school by acting as an advocate for its policies and programs.
- To communicate openly with teachers and administration regarding their own observations of their child and questions or concerns about programs, staff or other issues.
Responsibility of the Child
- To construct the adult he or she will become.